
Opportunity 8 Managed Funds

At TheCPAaid, our team of variable licensed advisors take immense pride in offering a sophisticated array of managed funds to cater to the diverse needs of our clients. With our seasoned expertise, we provide tailored solutions for those seeking a strategic approach to wealth management through carefully curated managed fund options.

📊Conservative Strategy: Stability and Steady Growth📊Moderate Strategy: Balanced Growth Opportunities📊Aggressive Strategy: Capitalizing on Growth Potential

Exclusive Access to Top-Tier Funds

Clients benefit from exclusive access to advisor share and institutional share classes of top-tier funds. These funds, typically available only through advisors or investment banks, are renowned for their performance and stability.

Transparent Fee Structure

Our fee structure is transparent, with management fees net of 1%. Clients can trust that they are getting value for their investments, as our strategies are carefully managed to optimize returns after fees.
